A new rural outpatient clinic was opened in the village of Maikor, Yusva District | SITUATION | HEALTH | AiF Perm

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Assistance to residents is provided by 28 doctors.

A new rural outpatient clinic was opened in the village of Maikor, Yusva District

A new building of a rural medical outpatient clinic (SVA) was put into operation in the village of Maikor, Yusva municipal district. Residents of the village of Maikor, the villages of Oni, Bolshaya Mochga, Kupros, Tukachevo will receive medical care here.

According to the press service of the government of the Perm Territory, four doctors and 24 nurses and paramedics work in the outpatient clinic. 3453 people are attached to the NVA.

According to the governor of the Perm Territory, the main goal of the regional authorities is to ensure that the level of medical care in remote areas is not lower than in Perm. Particular attention is paid to the completion of long-term medical construction projects.

“We radically changed the culture of construction: the approach to document flow and the relationship between the contractor and the customer. It is important that nothing interfere with the construction of facilities, and that new medical facilities be commissioned in a timely manner,” said Dmitry Makhonin.

Denis Mikhailenko, Deputy Minister of Health of the Perm Territory, said that the new SVA has a day hospital with nine beds. A fluorograph is installed in the outpatient clinic and there is a dental unit. In addition, it is possible to conduct telemedicine consultations.

28 physicians work in SVA.

Head of the outpatient clinic Valentina Ershova is a general practitioner. Her experience is 30 years. She came to Mykor by assignment. She got an apartment here, raised children, and this village became truly native to her. Patients respect their doctor very much, kindly call her our Valechka. She treats both adults and children.

Among the young professionals obstetrician-gynecologist Kristina Merezhnikova. According to the target set, she studied at the medical university and returned to her native Maikor. There are currently 11 pregnant women under the supervision of a young doctor. Among them is her midwife Irina, who is expecting her third child.

“I will miss my assistant, but at the same time I am very glad that new residents are added to our village. I myself have children. And here, in Maikor, I believe, all conditions have been created for their comfortable living,” notes Kristina Vladimirovna.

The young specialist returned to the village.

Now the modernization of the healthcare sector in the Perm Territory is being carried out in two directions: under the national project “Healthcare”, initiated by Vladimir Putin, and also at the expense of the budget of the Perm Territory.

This year, 57.6 billion rubles will be allocated for the construction, reconstruction, repair of hospitals and clinics, the purchase of equipment, equipping FAPs and rural outpatient clinics, and updating the ambulance fleet.

Total in 2021-2023 It is planned to allocate 180.2 billion rubles to finance the program Quality Health Care, of which almost 83 billion rubles from the regional treasury.

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