The happiness of Elena Kasimova. On March 8, we talk about a large Serov family of Kasimov, in love with each other, in sports and life | Serov’s worker – a newspaper with centuries -old history

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The happiness of Elena Kasimova. On March 8, we talk about the large Serov family of the Kasimovs, in love with each other, in sport and life somehow quietly flew almost an hour and a half meeting with

The happiness of Elena Kasimova. On March 8, we talk about a large Serov family of Kasimov, in love with each other, in sports and life

Somehow, almost an hour and a half of the meeting with Elena Kasimova, almost one and a half hours flew. I already saw photos, I knew that the whole family was actively involved in sports, but it is difficult to find a photo where both parents would be next to the children, because one of them will definitely capture as a keepsake, for family history, even the most insignificant victories at first glance …

A young attractive woman in a tracksuit got out of the car, and I did not even believe that this is the mother of four children. But the photos do not deceive.

Elena Evgenievna began to talk about one of the daughters – Arina. It is now that it is part of the sports and recreational group Serov-Poliatlon by Olga Mikhailovna Blaodir, and there was a time when the girl could not even stand on her feet. For a very long time, the family went to introduce to sports, and just put Arina on her feet. And now she is happy to ski, joyfully perceives the world around him. The family often travels for a cool log, which could be better when all together. Arina is one of the twins who underwent several operations in the mound, a multi -month stay in gypsum, but, like parents, who did not lose faith that everything will be fine. So, as far as possible …

By the way, the city does not have enough trainers in adaptive physical education. This question is very worried about Elena Kasimova, because it is difficult to work with special children, they need a special approach, special methods.

Elena and Alexei Kasimov, together with her firstborn Alexander, arrived in Serov from Yekaterinburg, Grandma Elena needed help, care, support. Yes, and lingered in Serov. They liked the city because it is small, compact, cozy. Soon, the twins Arina and Milen were born in the family, and the son dreamed of sister … From the first hours of life, the struggle of doctors for Arina's health began. Until a year and a half, doctors could not diagnose a girl, and then as a sentence – cerebral palsy. And the struggle for the life and health of the baby continued both from doctors and parents … Everyone, even the most minimal, her success was the success of the whole family. Now Arina is studying in a correctional fifth grade in the Serov boarding school. Makes more and more discoveries, she likes to communicate with peers, adults. But the closest and relatives are always nearby. Perhaps therefore, Alexander, an older brother, now a student of the Faculty of Physical Culture of the Ugra State University, says that she would like to deal with Arina and children as she – with disabilities.After all, Kasimov’s practice has shown that love, care, daily attention and classes are able to breathe faith into a person into their own strengths …

The concerns of Arina, of course, took a lot of time and effort, but other children grew up in the family – Alexander, Milena. Elena Evgenievna never made differences between children – everyone needs her. And she was there. In the fifth grade, the son entered the classroom of the Ministry of Emergencies, this was the second set at school No. 20, one of the conditions was a lesson in the sports section. We went to the Sports House, in two years he tried himself in all sections, but nothing went to the soul. And at one of the parent meetings, Elena Evgenievna found out that several boys are engaged in the polyatlon section. Together with his son, they decided to approach the coach. Alexander was already 13 years old, the age is critical for sports, because they begin to study polyatlon from the age of six. But Natalia Mikhailovna Fedoseeva invited to training, and a few days later, seeing the perseverance, the athletic persistence of the young man, took the boy to her section. So the first step in the world of polyatlon was taken. When the first results appeared, a tracksuit and skis that he dreamed about were purchased for his son.

Mom often attended training, took Milena with her. And she also wanted to go to the section with Natalia Mikhailovna. An eight -year -old girl after training young athletes in the pool approached the coach and said: I want to train with you. Natalia Mikhailovna proposed another mentor who is engaged in this age category – Olga Mikhailovna benevolent, but Milena was able to convince the coach. So in the team of N. M. Fedoseeva, another pupil appeared.

Today, in the younger age group, another Kasimova – Polina, she is nine years old. Such a family of polyatlonists is in the Serov sports school named after L.P. Moiseev. Alexander recently received the first adult category, a bit did not have enough result to the candidate title, but still ahead. And already at the institute, the young man took up Biathlon.

All members of the Kasimov family are passionate about sports – both parents and children. Even “ordinary” photos outside the competition in the family archive are noticeably less than “sports”.

Elena Evgenievna was glad that the children found their sport, because she had a figure of figure skating in Yekaterinburg. The family lived in the Koltsovo Airport area, it was necessary to get to school for about an hour. Then the rise was at five in the morning, at 7-15 the first training, then classes at school, the second training, returning home at about nine in the evening, completing homework. And tomorrow everything is again from five in the morning … But after one of the medical examinations, mother Tatyana Pavlovna decided to pick up her daughter from a sports school. Although the results were good, and Elena fearlessly entered all the figures, jumps, the decision was made – too much load for the girl.

That is why today Elena Evgenievna supports her children so much, monitors the regime of the day, food. Elena Kasimova is worried that there are no sports doctors in the city, there is no separate building of the dispensary. Pupils of the sports school named after Moiseeva is undergoing a medical examination in a children's clinic, paramedics are conducting a reception. But after all, a sports doctor sees a young pupil differently, can tell parents and trainers something.

Kasimovs are participants in open all -Russian competitions among young biathletes Anna Bogali -Skimir Cup. Not the first year they have been taking part in this prestigious tournament, where children are related to adults. During the pandemic period, they took part in online contributions, where it was necessary to record certain exercises on the video, young Kasimovs in prizes.

Elena Evgenievna has a heightened sense of justice, she is not afraid to talk about what was done wrong, many residents of the city probably remember how she opposed the relocation of the rehabilitation department for children and adolescents with disabilities for the first trip. In the photo, she showed a bus that turned into a snowdrift, and should be used to deliver children to the place of rehabilitation. But it must be converted for the safety of transporting children, but the institution does not have funds. So there is a vehicle that is not necessary for anyone. Yes, you never know such questions, about which many try to keep silent.

The fact that Elena Evgenievna a happy person gives her eyes out, she speaks with warmth about each of her family – her husband, Alexei Vladimirovich, children. Recently, Elena Evgenievna has discovered another talent – gardening, she likes to grow seedlings (and she reciprocates reciprocates – strong, ready to turn into beautiful plants with delicious fruits), and then take care of seedlings, relieve crops. And next to her mother is Arisha, a kind assistant. By the way, not only in the garden, but also at home on the household.

What is the happiness of this woman? Elena Kasimova, without hesitation, replied: In the family!

… And now she is in a hurry to the car, gets behind the wheel to meet her daughter from school, and then on the schedule – her day is planned in minutes, and all these minutes and hours are devoted to her beloved and most expensive people.

Elena Babitsina

Photo from the Kasimov family archive

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