M. Tsvetaeva Like a weak beam ...

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M. Tsvetaeva Like a weak beam ...

shock values

Reads Averyanova Elena x 41-17

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For Blok, V. Ivanov immediately became a “teacher”, “meter”, a man who did not so much ask questions as he answered them. In a difficult, transitional time 1905-10. V. Ivanov was destined to become, according to Blok, the defender of the rights of the modern poet to be a symbolist


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The history of personal and creative connections of Blok and Ivanov is complex and contradictory. But Vyacheslav Ivanov sincerely loved the man-man, highly appreciated him as a poet, always had a deep feeling for him.

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Literary studio; Silver ball; | Polytechnic College of Lugansk State Agrarian University

Without Kevordo, “Let my soul open …” (by the Day of Memory of A.S. Pushkin). Poetic Noktyurn. Poetic vernissage Anthem is a woman. Osip

Without Kevordo

“Let my soul open up …” (By the Day of Memory of A.S. Pushkin). Poetic Noktyurn.

You can learn more information about the life and work of Alexander Blok in the literary and memorial museum (St. Petersburg) dedicated to Alexander Blok-the central figure of the Silver Age of Russian culture.

Poetic vernissage Anthem is a woman.

Osip Mandelstam.

Found to the horseshoe. On the 130th birthday

Dedication to Alexander Blok.

Silver Age knight (on the 140th birthday)

Museum certificate

Alexander Blok was not only a great poet of the era, which we now call the “Silver Age”, the creator of the cycles “Poems about the Beautiful Lady”, “Snow Mask”, “Yamba”, “Poems about Russia”, the poems “Twelve” – and for contemporaries , and for us he remains a man of a high spirit, amazing honesty. Blok believed that poetry could change the world if their creators would be quite pure in spirit.

Excerpt from the play “In captivity of the Wandering Dog” (2018)

A. Blok-Belenkov Alexander R 41-16

Opened on November 25, 1980, by the centenary of the poet's birth.

It is amazing that in the era of the Silver Age, the time of people talented, even brilliant, but noisy, emotional, explosive, prone to a bohemian lifestyle, this silent person was recognized as the greatest authority.

And the point is not only in the poetic genius, but also the uniqueness of the personality of Blok. There was something in him from the mysterious medieval knight.

He was treated with special reverence, this is evidenced by the memories of contemporaries and verses dedicated to the great artist of the word.

The museum is located in the house where A.A.Blok spent the last nine years of his life. This is house number 57 on Decembrist Street (B. Officerskaya)

Anna Akhmatova I came to visit the poet

Reads Kuzmina Valeria and 41-16

The idea of ​​creating a memorial museum arose immediately after the death of the poet, but it was possible to realize it only after 60 years.

Alexander Alexandrovich Blok and Nikolai Stepanovich Gumilyov. Antipodes – in tastes, habits, appearance, worldview, political views – decisively in everything.

Gumilyov and Blok died in 1921 – August 7 and 27. They passed away, separated by mutual misunderstanding, hostility. Their enmity was a misunderstanding: like poets, and as Russian people they not so much excluded each other, but how much they complemented.Both of them lived and breathed with poetry, both painfully and selflessly loved women, hated falsehood and pretense, both were honest and for the sake of this honor the poet gave their lives.

This year, a double anniversary in the museum: November 28 marks the 140th anniversary of Alexander Blok, and on November 25 - 40 years since the opening of the poet museum. Most anniversary events will be broadcast online, everyone will be able to join them.

They did not love each other like people. But at the same time, Gumilyov idolized Blok as a poet and, they say, at the end of his life began to write as a bloc.

From the article by N. Gumilyov On the Block

Reads Ovchinnikov Vladislav and 41-17

Zinaida Gippius Alexander Blok called Zinaida Zinaida. She called him a “moon friend”: “Our relationship could be called friendship … moon friendship. Someone said, however (some Frenchman) that friendship is always lunar and only love is sunny. ”

From the play “In captivity of the“ Wandering Dog ”(2018)

Z. Gippius-Alexandra Kukanova from 31-16

Anna Akhmatova called the block the tragic tenor of the era. Boris Pasternak in the poem “Wind. Four passages about the block ”said about the tragic and courageous prophecy of the Blok, which had been foreseen the death of the old culture in which it was brought up, and regretted about it, facing the“ fatal minutes of history.

B. Pasternak Wind

Reads Kozachinsky Alexey f 31-17

M. Tsvetaeva Your name …

Reads Averyanova Elena x 41-17

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