Lego brick, machines and production | All machines

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Technology for the production of lego bricks on machines at home.

Lego brick – machines and production

The reliability of the clutch of Lego bricks is ensured by the presence of two protruding spherical holes on their surface. This product has similar technical characteristics with a brick produced by the firing method. The business idea of ​​the manufacture of this product enables the entrepreneur to make high profit with small starting investments in production. During the construction of the walls, a strong fixation of brick is provided due to its convenient geometric shape.

To connect the material, a solution of glue is used.
Lego brick has the following geometric parameters:

  • length – 25 cm;
  • width – 12.5 cm;
  • height-6.5-9 cm (depending on the settings of the shape-matrix)
  • The mass is 3500 – 4000 g (associated with the composition of the product).

For the production of 1 m3 of products, a screening (1600 kg) and cement (230 kg) will be required. The specified amount of raw materials allows you to release 500 single and 375 one and a half bricks.

The main components of the composition for the manufacture of brick Lego

Among all the recipes of mixtures, three basic ones that have a proven composition can be distinguished:

  • A mixture of cement (10-15%), clay (85-90%), water.
  • Cement composition (10%), clay (55%), sand (35%), water.
  • A mixture of different cries (90%), cement (10%), water.

The project’s business plan must take into account the availability of the raw material base for the manufacture of material. A direct effect on the strength of the finished brick has a degree of grinding of the waging fraction.
Reference: The amount of cement in the mixture for the production of the product of the desired density depends on how small screening is used in the preparation of the composition. An increase in the fraction of sand in the mixture will reduce the strength of the finished material due to large sizes of the sand fraction.

Required equipment

For the manufacture of lego-brick, two methods of pressing are used: a mechanical (manual method) and using hydraulics (semi-automatic method).
When pressing, the brick firing in the furnace is not required.

Production technology:

  1. The starting raw materials are covered in a machine through a special bunker.
  2. The working mixture is poured into a small bunker of the machine.
  3. The built -in dispenser submits the required amount of the working composition to the molding compartment.
  4. In high pressure conditions, the process of pressing the material with a lever (with a mechanical method) or hydrospress occurs (with a semi -automatic method). The required pressure in the manual method is 2 tons, when using hydraulics-6-10 tons.

High pressure is installed in the hydraulic cylinder of the hydraulic machine due to the three -phase electric engine and the oil pump. The use of hydraulics during pressing allows you to achieve the required level of pressure and increase production volumes several times compared to the manual method.In this production process, air is removed from the raw material composition and a tight connection of the mixture components occurs.
Below is an example of the main technical and price data for a hydraulic machine used in organizing a home mini-workshop:
LEGO 180 (with hydraulic drive):

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