Primorsky HC Admiral ran away from bankruptcy, changing the legal entity – Council – PrimaMedia

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The Admiral hockey club appeared in 2013. The initiator of the birth of a team in Vladivostok was a well -known hockey player in the past, and now an official Vyacheslav Fetisov. In 2013, he achieved the status of a senator from the Primorsky Territory and became a curator of the creation of the Admiral club. The achievements of Fetisov in the region were evaluated ndash; The Admiral’s home arena is called Fetisov Arena. In 2016, Fetisov decided to go down to the lower chamber of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation ndash; State Duma. The region also changed ndash; Instead of the Primorsky Territory, he was already elected from the district in the Moscow region. The script at the same time did not change Fetisov ndash; Before the elections, he announced the creation of a hockey sports school in Domodedovo near Moscow and again agreed to name a new sports facility with his name.

Primorsky HC Admiral ran away from bankruptcy, changing the legal entity – Council

More than 70 million rubles of unpaid taxes and fees, debts for flights and servicing your own arena, arrested bank accounts – all this no longer applies to the Admiral hockey club. Instead of reanimating the company, the club management decided to create a new company. ANO HC Admiral was replaced by HC Admiral Primorsky Territory. The structural castling allowed the club to continue the performance in the KHL: the financial guarantees of the new company Admiral arranged the leadership of the League. As for past debts – now it is a headache of counterparties and the tax service. The latter is trying to unsuccessfully knock out funds – in total, the tax has already issued more than 150 (!) Decisions on the arrest of bank accounts of the club. The bailiffs are trying to arrest the Admiral logo, but this is unlikely to bring great success – recently the rights to the trademark were already transferred to the new company. According to the general director of Admiral Sergey Soshnikov, the financial situation in the club is currently stable. At the same time, we are talking about the new Admiral, which has nothing to do with the old club, writes Soviet Sport.

You call her like me. Fetisov-Arena

The Admiral hockey club appeared in 2013. The initiator of the birth of a team in Vladivostok was a well -known hockey player in the past, and now an official Vyacheslav Fetisov. In 2013, he achieved the status of a senator from the Primorsky Territory and became a curator of the creation of the Admiral club. The achievements of Fetisov in the region were evaluated-the home arena Admiral was called Fetisov-Arena. In 2016, Fetisov decided to go down to the lower chamber of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation – the State Duma. The region also changed – instead of the Primorsky Territory, he was already elected from the district in the Moscow region. At the same time, Fetisov did not change the script – before the elections he announced the creation of a hockey sports school in Domodedovo near Moscow and again agreed to name a new sports facility with his name.

The Primorsky Territory decided to answer these actions – they offered to erase his name from the map of the region.Fetisov-arena was planned to be renamed into Admiral VMTP Arena.

Later, apparently, a compromise was found. Fetisov-Arena retained its name, the sports complex in Domodedovo near Moscow decided to call it simply – Legend.

Vyacheslav Fetisov is not the only one who was involved in the creation of Admiral and hoped to see his name in large letters in the arena. The proposed name of the arena when renaming Admiral VMTP Arena included the sponsor of the club. VMTP – Vladivostok Commercial Sea Port, which is part of the Fesco group. The beneficiary of Fesco is the well-known businessman Ziyavudin Magomedov. At the end of March of this year, he was arrested in the case of embezzlement of state funds in the amount of 2.5 billion rubles. One of the episodes of the case concerns the construction of the Baltika Arena in Kaliningrad.

What is Sum?

The Summa Group combines assets in various business sectors: logistics, engineering, construction, telecommunications and the oil and gas industry. The group is controlled by businessman Ziyavudin Magomedov. Summa's largest asset is 50% of the Cypriot Novoport, which in turn controls the Novorossiysk Commercial Sea Port (NCSP is the largest in Russia). In addition to NCSP, the list of Summa's assets also includes the Vladivostok Commercial Sea Port. At the end of March this year, Ziyavudin Magomedov and his brother Magomed were arrested. They are accused of fraud, embezzlement and organizing a criminal community. The total amount of damage caused is estimated at 2.5 billion rubles. In May of this year, the bank accounts of the Magomedov brothers were arrested by court order.

Vyacheslav Fetisov personified Admiral, Magomedov – was a financial source. Summa Sport Magomedova is a co-founder of the Association HC Admiral . In September 2013, the director for sports projects of the Summa group, Kamil Gadzhiev, described the club's financing scheme as follows: the club's total budget will be 800 million rubles a year, of which the contribution of the administration of Primorsky Krai – 240 million rubles a year, the rest of the funds will be provided by Summa.

After the arrest of Ziyavudin Magomedov, the hockey Admiral fell into a financial coma. In the course of the case of embezzlement of state funds, the assets of the Summa group were arrested. It was reported that bank accounts of the Vladivostok Sea Commercial Port were also under arrest. However, the club began to show financial problems two years before Magomedov's arrest. By the middle of 2015, it became known about delays in the salaries of players. The first major lawsuit against the club was filed in September 2015 by Primorskoye Aeroagency JSC. The amount of the claim is 6.5 million rubles, we are talking about the unpaid training camp of the team in China.


Since 2015, the total amount of claims against Admiral has exceeded 100 million rubles. From the court decisions in these cases, it becomes clear that the club could not pay for the team's flights and the maintenance of its own arena on time.

In February 2016, the Club was filed with the club, the company Concord-Travel LLC, the amount of claims amounted to 13 million rubles and 21.5 million rubles, respectively. The decisions in the case reported that Admiral in 2013 and in the 2015-16 season concluded agreements for flights, but either did not pay for the services on time, or generally refused the services under the contract.

In December 2016, the next lawsuit against Admiral filed Primorsky Airlines OJSC. The amount of the lawsuit is 3.5 million rubles, we are talking about debts on paying for air transportation services. Another carrier-Avrora Airline filed a lawsuit demanding to recover 1.3 million rubles in August 2017. We are also talking about an unpaid flight. Then the SKAI Group LLC, 51 million, made a claim with the same nature. rubles.

The financial degradation of Admiral was accompanied not only by mass claims for the company, but also by unpaid taxes. The total amount that the club did not enter into the treasury in the form of taxes and fees exceeded 70 million rubles. The Federal Tax Service tried to find funds on the club’s accounts, in total since mid -2017, more than 150 admiral bank accounts were arrested.

Tax attempts were unsuccessful. The production was handed over to the bailiffs, who also could not replenish the state from Admiral's funds.

The hopelessness of attempts to find funds from the Admiral was recognized as back in the fall of 2017. On September 20, 2017, the lawsuit with the request to recognize the Admiral (Association HC Admiral ) was submitted by bankrupt by Concord-Travel LLC. After 5 days, the tax service itself submitted a similar statement (the Federal Tax Service No. 12 for the Primorsky Territory). In February 2018, in February 2018 -The list of participants in the bankruptcy case of Admiral was replenished by the company “jokes and partners”, in July 2017 -Sky Group. The requirements of both companies are similar to the Federal Tax Service and Concord. Currently undergoing a trial.

Finding himself in a financial pit, the Admiral’s leadership decided not to invent anything new. For the club, they created another legal entity and with the new clean company Admiral appeared in the KHL for the coming season. The League of the Club Financial Guarantees arranged. As for the old tax debts and to counterparties – now it has nothing to do with the club. The fact that the Admiral is a completely new team in the KHL, Soviet sports was stated by the club general director of Sergei Soshnikov.

The admiral, who was, ceased to exist and he, in principle, is not

More recently, regional media reported with reference to their sources that the bailiffs intend to arrest the Admiral logo. The bailiffs requested information about the rights to the logo at the club.

The application for registration of the Admiral trademark in the form of an armature was submitted in November 2013. Initially, the copyright holder was the NP Hockey Club Admiral. In April 2017, the right to a trademark was re-registered to the Association of the Admiral Hockey Club. This was due to the change in the name of the Admiral company-instead of NP HC Admiral, the Association of HC Admiral became.At that time, it was not about the new legal entity of the club, but only about renaming: the TIN of the company did not change.

A little over a month ago, the trademark was transferred to a completely new legal entity – ANO Hockey Club Admiral Primorsky Krai . The same applies to the trademark Admiral in the form of an inscription of the name of the club.

Soviet Sport requested a comment from the seaside club in connection with the transfer of trademark rights. The general director of Admiral Sergey Soshnikov confirmed that HC Admiral PK is a new legal entity of the club. From his answer, we can conclude that the new company Admiral does not answer for old debts.

– A completely different legal entity has been announced in the KHL for the upcoming season – the new Admiral Primorsky Krai. Admiral, which was, ceased to exist, and in principle it does not exist. The new Admiral is not the successor of the old one. A new legal entity, legally, in accordance with the regulations, submitted an application to the KHL, providing all the necessary documents, financial guarantees and paying an entry fee. In the upcoming season, Admiral Primorsky Krai will perform! The obligations of the old Admiral remain with the Association Hockey Club Admiral , from which it does not refuse, – Sergey Soshnikov noted.

According to Sergei Soshnikov, the new company Admiral has nothing to do with the club's logo.

– The logo of the Admiral Hockey Club Association is the logo of the Association, and they deal with it. We, HC Admiral PK, have our own logo, the registration of which will be completed in the prescribed manner in the near future. Admiral PK will to perform with a different emblem. Trademark registration takes place in several stages, and is currently on schedule. We have every right to use our logo, – said Sergey Soshnikov.

So far, there are no logos registered for HC Admiral PK in the register, but this did not prevent the club from entering the KHL. On the League website, in the calendar, Admiral is listed with the old logo.

True, this is a temporary measure:

On July 4, 2018, the KHL Board of Directors decided to include the Admiral Primorsky Krai Hockey Club, the Admiral Primorsky Krai Hockey Club, an autonomous non-profit organization for the development and organization of culture and sports, into the KHL Championship starting from the 2018/2019 season.

The Club complied with the requirements of the KHL Regulations for the admission of new legal entities to participate in the KHL Championship, including the provision of financial guarantees.

On July 19, 2018, the club sent an official letter to the KHL with a request to agree on a complete rebranding. Having studied the submitted materials, the League agreed on a new logo for the club, the league said in response to a request from Soviet Sport.

In addition to the League, the old logo is also listed on the Admiral website itself. Moreover, the club's website itself is listed under the old legal entity Admiral. Thus, the club managed to get away from the old legal entity only in part.


Initially, the founders of the Admiral company were Summa Sport, which is controlled by Ziyavudin Magomedov, and KGAU TsSP-SHVSM (its founder is the Primorsky Territory Administration). These data are confirmed by an extract from the state register of legal entities for the Association HC Admiral .

As part of the founders of the new legal entity of the seaside club – HC Admiral PK, there is no Summa group. This was also stated to Soviet Sport by the general director of Admiral Sergei Soshnikov. As for sponsors, Soshnikov confirmed relations with Fesco and VMTP, but emphasized that Ziyavudin Magomedov does not appear in the documents.

– At the moment, HC Admiral PK has a confirmed agreement of intent with the Fesco group of companies and the Vladivostok Commercial Sea Port, with an approved payment schedule. Each organization with which we contact, negotiate or cooperate has its own head or manager The decision on financing is made by them.This name (Magomedov – ed.) does not appear in documents on cooperation or other agreements, – Sergey Soshnikov noted.

In the information from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, the participants of HC Admiral PK are indicated KSAU TsAS (in the structure of the administration of the Primorsky Territory) and the company Techno LLC.

In turn, Elena Shipovskaya is listed as the sole owner and general director of Techno LLC. On the website of the Vladivostok Commercial Sea Port, she is listed as Deputy General Director for Economics and Finance.

In other words, instead of direct control through Summa Sport, the founder of Admiral is now a nominee company affiliated with VMTP. Apparently, they decided to refuse the participation of Summa because of the criminal case against its beneficiary Ziyavudin Magomedov. Because of the Magomedov case, the assets of the Summa group have already been arrested.

Nevertheless, according to Sergei Soshnikov, the financing of Admiral today can be called stable.

– Financing of the hockey club ensures the conditions for fulfilling the KHL regulations, is sufficient for HC Admiral PK to take part in the 2018/2019 KHL championship. To date, we have submitted all financial documents to the league. The club’s financing is stable today!, Sergey Soshnikov noted.

According to the reports of the HC Admiral Association, last year the club spent 950 million rubles, of which 355 million rubles were allocated from the budget.

In 2016, Admiral spent 1.2 billion rubles, including 381 million rubles of budget funds. In 2015, total spending amounted to 885 million rubles, of which 277 million rubles were budgetary.


The history of “Admiral” of the last three years is quite typical for provincial professional clubs – solid debts and delays in salaries. The maximum sports result of the club during this time is reaching the 1/8 finals. The club changed its firm, but the sources of funding remained the same – these are the state budget and the assets of Ziyavudin Magomedov, who is under investigation.With the same sponsors, probably, you should not expect that the club will become completely different.

Of course, the admiral can begin to live in the means. Unfortunately, so far there are few such examples.

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